Top 15 eCommerce Marketing Strategies to Increase Sales in 2022
Today, we are going to give the top 15 marketing strategies for eCommerce businesses.
So if you want to do the same for your eCommerce store, then read and read this post in its entirety.
Use a website design that is built-in
Email opt-in form
Product photography
Optimize shopping pages for SEO
Google Shopping Advertising
Dynamic Retargeting Ads
Email newsletters
Automated email marketing
SMS Marketing
Influencer marketing
Top 15 eCommerce marketing strategies to increase sales in 2021
1. Use a website design that is built-in
We studied some of the fastest growing eCommerce stores in the world and we found that their websites were completely generic.
For the most part, they were all attractive headlines, customer testimonials, featured products, supporting product information, and most importantly, made their unique sales proposition very clear.
So if you want to increase your eCommerce sales, the first thing you need to do is to make sure that your website is set up in a way that is growth-friendly.
We recommend that you build your eCommerce website on a platform like Shopify.
This will give you a great design and great features to build your SEO and paid advertising campaigns in the future.
If you don't have it and don't want to spend $ 5000 on building a new website, check out some of our predefined websites at
We have pre-built Shopify websites that you can use to get up and running quickly without spending an arm and a leg.
2. Email opt-in form
Email marketing accounts for all revenue from top eCommerce sites. How powerful e-commerce email marketing is.
So once you design an effective website, you need to make sure that you start collecting email addresses from your website visitors.
Most eCommerce sites do this with some form of call-to-action with pop-up opt-in forms. This might be possible:
10% off,
Free guide,
loyalty program,
… Or something that your audience may find valuable.
You can use tools such as ConvertPlus or Power to install on your Shopify website to capture email addresses.
3. Product Photography
Let's face it, people buy what they see.
This means that if they don't do what they see, you probably don't have a good chance of increasing your revenue.
So in doing product photography for eCommerce, make sure that you capture high-resolution images of your products to use in your marketing. Avoid blurry, grainy, and distorted images at all costs.
Make sure your images have proper lighting. If you want to see the best possible conversion rate, avoid dark and dull images.
And finally, make sure that your images have a clean and professional background. Avoid using pictures with busy backgrounds.
4. Product Video
If you want to take it a step further, including product videos in your marketing can help you dramatically increase revenue.
Top eCommerce brands are using videos on their product pages to demonstrate how their products work and the value they bring to their customers.
These same product videos will also do a great job in other parts of your marketing, especially social media.
5. Optimize shopping pages for SEO
The last thing you should do on your website is to optimize your shopping pages for SEO.
In particular, you need to carefully write the title and product description of your product. Don't just write about your product.
Write to include words that people are searching on search engines to find products similar to yours. This is one of the key elements of creating the best product description.
The better you optimize your product pages and overall website for SEO, the better chance you will have of earning top Google rankings and ultimately free organic traffic to your site.
Okay, enough website marketing for now. Let some advertising go.
6. Google Shopping Advertising
Google Shopping Ads are the most effective way to advertise your eCommerce store.
Google Shopping Ads are product advertisements you see when searching for products on Google. For example, this is when you search for "hair extensions".
Shopping ads differ from text ads, both in format and cost.
Shopping ads allow you to show an image of your product in search results, including the shopping tab, while text ads do not.
And most importantly, shopping ads are generally much cheaper than text ads.
We've seen e-commerce campaigns that use text ads costing $ 5 per click, and shopping ads with the same targeting have cost about $ 0.50 per click.
Facebook advertising is another must-have for e-commerce businesses.
Like shopping ads, Facebook ads are very cheap compared to other ads.
Check out these Facebook advertising results where we spent $ 7,900 and made $ 92,000 in revenue for one of our customers.
Facebook ads are so powerful because they allow you to reach a very wide audience and use broad targeting features to hone in on your target audience.
Some of the most advanced targeting features include things like targeting:
Online shoppers
Leaving the audience behind
And lookalike audiences
To learn more about Facebook Ads for eCommerce, see this post dealing with how to effectively use Facebook Ads for eCommerce businesses.
Instagram is another major player for eCommerce businesses.
Because Instagram is such a visual platform, it has become the perfect place for an e-commerce store to showcase its top products.
And since it is owned by Facebook, you have to use some of the same advanced targeting features that are available on Facebook.
In addition, you can run story ads on Instagram, which may be less competitive than advertisements on news feeds.
If so, it can reduce your overall average advertising costs and increase your returns.
9. Dynamic Retargeting Ads
Dynamic Retargeting Advertising is an advanced trick for advertising your eCommerce store.
First of all, you need to understand what retargeting means.
Retargeting is a feature that allows you to advertise to people who previously interacted with your business.
If you have ever visited a business website, and have seen advertisements for the same business in the future, you have probably already retired.
Now, dynamic retargeting is an advanced form of retargeting designed for eCommerce businesses.
This allows you to automatically show the most relevant ads in your recovery list.
For example, if you have 100 products and someone has only seen one of them, that person will be shown the exact product they saw as an advertisement if the dynamic retargeting is set correctly.
Dynamic retargeting is available on all the advertising platforms we have listed so far, including Google, Facebook, and Instagram.
Dynamic retargeting is important because it allows you to capitalize on your hottest opportunities, which are people who are visiting your website and looking at your products.
10. Email Newsletters
Earlier, we talked about the importance of having an email list and that eCommerce revenue is derived from email marketing.
Now it's time to actually start sending emails.
As soon as you advertise your products, people will start joining the email list from the popups you have set up on your website.
It is very important that you send an email to this group of people.
If you do not, you may be missing out on thousands of dollars in revenue.
Use an email platform such as MailChimp or active campaigns and start sending emails to your list.
And if you don't have the time to do this, consider hiring someone to create your emails. We have an email newsletter service to help you.
Email marketing is one of the cheapest ways to increase your sales, so you don't want to pay attention to it.
But here is another option for you.
11. Automated Email Marketing
Many e-commerce stores use the automation of email to increase their revenue without lifting a finger.
This means that they have premiere emails sent based on triggers that occur.
For example, one of the most popular automated eCommerce emails is on-cart email.
Abandonment-cart email is sent to those who add products to their cart but do not complete their purchase.
These emails are very important because the average car abandonment rate is 70%.
But this is just one type of email. There is also:
Welcome the visuals to introduce new customers to your brand,
Product sequence to educate people on their top products, and
Promotional sequence to encourage your audience to act.
It is imperative that every eCommerce store has this type of email set up to increase its revenue.
12. SMS Marketing
Sms marketing
Here is a new strategy that is already working for major eCommerce brands - SMS marketing.
The average open rate for email is around 15–20%, while the average open rate for text messages is 80–90%.
This means that if we are only looking at this figure, then text messages are 4 times more effective than email marketing.
Now here's how you can use text messaging.
As with email, you can send abandoned-cart text messages to people who add their products to your cart but fail to make a purchase.
You can also send text messages for "flash sales" where you offer big discounts for a limited time.
Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to grow your eCommerce store organically.
The simplest way to start using content marketing is to start creating content. This may include creating a blog, video, or photo to engage your audience.
You should create content that is useful to the reader and unique to what is already available.
And also be sure to write content around the keywords that your audience is searching for.
Do some keyword research and find hot topics in your industry, then create the best content for those terms.
To learn more about content marketing, "What is content marketing?"
14. Organic Social Media
Using organic social media such as Instagram for example can be very effective for eCommerce marketing.
Some of the largest eCommerce companies grew through an organic social media marketing strategy. However, this requires effort.
Here are the keys to growing your store through organic social media.
First of all, you have to create valuable content. This can be informative content, entertaining content, or inspirational content.
The other thing you need to do is make sure that people see your content. You can do organic things by promoting your content or using hashtags.
And the third thing you should do is be consistent. By posting relevant content, you can stay top of mind of your audience.
But you also get points in the algorithm. Both Facebook and Instagram reward brands that post consistently with more newsfeeds than companies that do not.
15. Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing is another great way to market your eCommerce store.
Brands like Fashionova rely heavily on influential marketing to develop their business.
To use effective marketing for your business, here are some tips:
First of all, you should target micro-influencers.
They affect anywhere from 5,000 to 50,000 followers.
Those affected will have the lowest rates and can also boost your business in exchange for products.
The second thing you should do is target the relevant audience.
Choose micro-effectors with audiences that are similar to your target audience.
And finally, make sure that the influencers you choose have an engaged audience. See their page for comments and community understanding.
The more community they have, the more trust they have among their audience.
And the more an influential person trusts, the more effective their post will be for promoting your business.
Read this:- Marketing Vs Advertising
Quick recovery
Our eCommerce friends are right to say that today's post talks about how to market your eCommerce store.
Then, the 15 things you need to consider are:
Use a website that is designed to convert
Set up an email opt-in form on your site
Use clean, high-resolution images on your product pages
Use product demo videos on your product pages
Optimize your product pages and website for SEO
Use Google Shopping Ads to get traffic from Google
Use Facebook ads to target a wider audience
Use Instagram Ads to Target Visual Audiences
Use dynamic retargeting ads to automate retargeting
Use email newsletters to increase revenue
Automate Email Marketing via Email Drip
Use SMS Marketing to Reach More People
Use content marketing to build your brand
Use organic social to build your brand
Use effective marketing to promote your business
So there you have it!