What Is the Secret URL Trick to Block YouTube Ads?

What is the secret URL trick to block YouTube ads? Is there a trick to do that? If so, how can you avoid having to spend money every month on YouTube?
Some people say that Google is looking at you when you visit YouTube. They are looking for information about you, as well as any website you may have visited. Your IP address and other information about where you are located are being logged by Google and are given to advertisers.
You may not realize it, but many website owners are being stalked by Google, as they do the same thing. This means that Google is logging your information so that they can find the advertisers.
I know that there are a lot of people who own websites and use YouTube. Now, I don't want to prevent you from using YouTube; but I do want you to be aware of what is going on with your information because Google is watching you all the time.
The next time you are on YouTube, or any other website that has a lot of videos, you should log out. Once you do this, log in again, and search for the settings that are inside your browser.
Click the "Back" button on your browser, and then click the "Previous Page" link. Go back to the page that you were on when you were on YouTube. You will probably find that there is a little "x" at the bottom of your screen, like this:
Once you're done with that, go back to your page and scroll down to the bottom of the page; you will see a link at the bottom that says "View history". Click on that link and you will be able to see the information that Google is gathering from every website that you visit.
If you do this, you are helping website owners to block Google from seeing all of your information. You are also helping to protect your privacy.
Don't worry about what is on YouTube, but make sure that you don't have your information logged for any other reason. Don't click on that "x" link either, since Google can track what you do on YouTube as well.
I think it's good to keep an eye on what your kids are doing on YouTube. But, if you don't mind having your children logging into your account, you should do that too.
To find out if you really need to keep an eye on what your kids are doing on YouTube, you should look at it in two ways. First, would you rather have them watch YouTube in their browser or to visit their website?
The second way to find out is if your child is showing signs of being in certain circumstances. So, if you want to block YouTube ads from showing up, and you know that they are in a certain situation, it may be worth it to block YouTube for them.