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define computer and computer generations

 define computer and computer generations 

 There is a total of 8 letters in the computer terminal to define it is a very easy and easy way. Let us know the meaning of these letters before we define it.


C- commonly




u - use




Make a single word with the meaning of all the letters above.

Computer Definition: - The computer is usually an especially running device that we use in the search education business.

Part of the Computer: -

Generally, the computer has two parts.


1- Software

2- Hardware: - There are three types of devices under the hardware 1- Input 2- Processor (control processing unit)

Under the input device comes the keyboard, mouse, and scanner, and under the processor, control 

the unit, semantic logic unit, and memory unit comes and under the output device, monitors and printers come.

There are two types of memory units. Primary memory and secondary memory

Under Division of Computer, we divide them into 5 parts 1- Hardware 2- Software 3-firmware 4-Eli ware 5-screen ware

We get two types of data in the computer 1-Numeric Data 2- Alpha Numeric Data

Inventions: --- The first computer was invented in China about 450 years ago by Abacus but Charles 

Babbage is called the father of the computer. The name of the first computer is Electrical Numeric 

Integrated and Calculator, which was made by Inkavi and Michley on Sun, 1946. |


Generation of computers: -

First Time  1946 to 1955

Second Time  1956 to 1965

Third Time  1966 to 1975

The time of the fourth  from 1976 to 1985

The fifth time is from 1985 till now

In the first generation computers, the vacuum tube was used and the transistor used in the second 

generation was used in the third generation Integrated circuit scale was used in the fourth generation 

in the Large Integrated Circuit Scale and the fifth generation used the Various Large Integrated Circuit Scale |

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